Sunday, February 1, 2009

Good Will Hunting

Good Will Hunting is one of my top ten favorite movies and it was very interesting to watch this film in a new, more analytical light. This movie has so many different elements going on at the same time. The movie is about the individual internal struggles of the characters and how those struggles all play off of each other. Something to be learned from the movie is that just because you have a God given talent that you truly have no passion for, doesn’t mean that you have to move forward in that talent; it is more important to be happy in life. This story is very realistic for me because I can completely understand the struggles that the various characters are going through; this makes it credible. The storyline is also very interesting in that it is amazing to me how a man could go twenty years of his life without having his incredible amount of knowledge noticed or acknowledged by those around him. It is also interesting that the professor, who is highly intelligent as well, is pushing so hard for Will to pursue his talent and achieve all that the Professor did not. The film is simple in that anyone can watch and appreciate the overall meaning, but it is extremely complex at the same time. The complexity is built deeply in to all areas and all characters of this film. I find it quite impressive that this was written by Ben Affleck and Matt Damon as college students. I know that in order for a story to be a “good” story, it must be surprising, but I didn’t feel that this was a surprising movie. Maybe I didn’t feel surprised because I have seen the video multiple times. I must admit that the first time I saw the movie I was surprised at the end when Will leaves his new job for the woman he loves.

In Good Will Hunting there are two main heroes in my eyes: Sean and Will. Sean is clearly a hero in this film because he wants what is truly best for Will and wants Will to be happy – disregarding which path he actually chooses. Sean takes action by counseling Will and helping him to see that he has more options that he ever imagined. He meets conflict when the professor resists and insists that Sean pushes will into the life of a professional mathematician. The climax is witnessed when the professor and Sean escape their circle of conflict and find a level of peace with each other. In the end, Sean shines as the hero in the background as Will makes the correct choice for himself and follows love rather than financial security.

Will also played a role as hero in the idea that he wanted Sean to move on with his life and be happy. He pushed Sean to his limit and made him break. Even though this method was a bit unorthodox, Will managed to show Sean that there is so much to life even when you feel that you are at the bottom of life’s pit. Sean saw and learned that he must take action to learn to appreciate the rest of his life.

The significance of Good Will Hunting can be looked at from several different angles. First, Will Hunting is the lead character’s name. Second, Good Will Hunting signifies the pro-bono work that the professor and the counselors did for Will. It shows that not everything in life is about money and that people are continually “hunting” for a way to give back to others.

The characterization for all of the characters is depicted in many different fashions: through dialog, appearance, external action, as well as internal action. These elements were showcased the most with Will and Sean. The characters in Good Will Hunting were very dynamic characters and continually developed and changed throughout the film. Along with dynamically developing characters, Allegory and symbolism played very important roles in this movie. Within each character’s internal struggle was a separate story that related to various situations on a figurative level pulling in the element of allegory. Symbolism is used heavily in Good Will Hunting as well. Will’s drinking for example is a symbol for the constraints of our daily lives that hold us pack from taking on our real goals and desires that we have for our lives.

Although Will is a genius, he is possibly too smart for his own good. He doesn’t necessarily know how to use his vast amount of brain power and keep a normal life at the same time. He did not grow up in an environment that nurtured him in anyway or encouraged him to make something of his life; therefore, it is more important to Will to find someone who truly loves him verses trying to find a well paying job. It is Will’s anger and struggle with his rough childhood are what have overpowered is intellect for his entire life. It is difficult for him to allow some one such as Sean into his life, to truly believe in and encourage him.

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